• Alison Baker


    Prior to founding Eco Cascade, Alison was founder of Ally Bee, a premium UK fashion label built on local production, and traceable low impact natural fibre materials. Alison also co-founded In The Drink UK CIC, a not-for-profit environmental campaign dedicated to eliminating single-use plastic from the leisure industry along the River Thames. With a background in law, collaborative working and cutting through greenwash, Alison is passionate about the interconnection between primary production and the circular economy, and is especially committed to building sustainable blue economy ventures beyond the ‘hype’.

  • Lee Epstein


    Lee has had a long career in IT and Management Consulting, where he led complex programmes in the finance and public sector. In recent years he has taken a keen interest in the pathway to net zero and has become involved in a number of start-ups providing investment and project management support. He is particularly interested in practical solutions for overcoming known barriers as well as scaling businesses in specific industries that will facilitate a lower carbon footprint, and sees Eco Cascade as an important contributor to the wider use of seaweed in our food system and in other sectors. Lee’s LinkedIn Profile