Why seaweed?
Eco Cascade CIC co-founder, Alison Baker, set up a plastic-free fashion label in 2014 and in 2017 co-founded In The Drink, a UK campaign to reduce plastic pollution in rivers and sea. This campaigning sparked her interest in wider climate change mitigation solutions, including a deep dive into seaweed’s potential for eco-system services for both ocean and land.
In late 2021 Alison teamed up with Grace Yu and Dr Cait-Murray Green who were also immersed in mapping out seaweed’s potential as a wonder crop. In Spring 2022 Alison and Cait co-founded Eco Cascade CIC. A year later, in April 2023 - with assistance from Marine Fund Scotland - Eco Cascade opened the doors to seaweed processing facilities in Kyle of Lochalsh to serve the emerging seaweed cultivation industry in the region.
Prior to founding Eco Cascade, Alison was founder of Ally Bee, a premium UK fashion label built on local production, and traceable low impact natural fibre materials. Alison also co-founded In The Drink UK CIC, a not-for-profit environmental campaign dedicated to eliminating single-use plastic from the leisure industry along the River Thames. With a background in law, collaborative working and cutting through greenwash, Alison is passionate about the interconnection between primary production and the circular economy, and is especially committed to building sustainable blue economy ventures beyond the ‘hype’.
Lee Epstein, DIRECTOR
Lee has had a long career in IT and Management Consulting, where he led complex programmes in the finance and public sector. In recent years he has taken a keen interest in the pathway to net zero and has become involved in a number of start-ups providing investment and project management support. He is particularly interested in practical solutions for overcoming known barriers as well as scaling businesses in specific industries that will facilitate a lower carbon footprint, and sees Eco Cascade as an important contributor to the wider use of seaweed in our food system and in other sectors.
Jemima studied Marine Biology and Oceanography at Bangor University before embracing a career of 13 years at sea, working in and on the water in various capacities gaining excellent experience across a wide spectrum from engineering to food preparation. She has recently moved to the west coast of Scotland to pursue opportunities in the seaweed industry and completed the Seaweed Academy at SAMS. Jemima was on the inaugural team for the first season of processing from the outset, and now manages the Kyle site, taking responsibility foroverseeing scheduling, processing equipment and supplier iaison and manages the processing staff.
Eco Cascade Advisory Team
Dr Cait Murray-Green, Eco Cascade Co-founder
Cait is passionate about Sustainable Development and supporting new technical business particularly in rural areas. Over the past 25 years she has migrated from a research scientist role through sales and marketing into commercialisation of technology. With the founding of CuanTec in 2017 she led the way in circular economy solutions, taking waste from fisheries to create compostable food packaging for fresh fish. Eco Cascade’s trident of focus on raising market awareness, creating technical solutions and providing facilities gives her a chance to bring all her experience together.
Grace Yu
Grace is currently a trustee of The Aurora Trust, a UK grant making charity that tackles climate change through the following programme areas: connecting people with nature, regenerative agriculture, avoiding deforestation, and aligning financial markets with the Paris Agreement. She also supports its sister charity Ashden, which annually grants awards towards innovative sustainable energy solutions. Grace also sits on the board of the African Rainforest Trust, which is dedicated to conserving Tanzania’s Eastern Arc rainforest through local forest management and grassroots community conservation, and is a member of the European Advisory Council for Conservation International. She is a UK trustee and Global Ambassador for the Rainforest Alliance, where she once served as in-house legal counsel and major gifts officer. She is also on the steering committee of the Cyclades Preservation Fund, which supports the Cycladic islands with local conservation initiatives.
Duncan Smallman
Dr Duncan Smallman is a co-founder and Head of Marine Innovation at Seaweed Generation Ltd. Duncan has been working within the seaweed industry for 9 years & the broader marine industry (including aquaculture) for over 10 years. He has a degree in Marine Biology & for his doctoral research studied the host-parasite interactions of salmon lice. Duncan also previously co-founded Caledonian Seaweeds y which arose from Slate Islands Seaweed Ltd. He is passionate about all things marine and has a lifelong love of eating particularly nori. His ventures into seaweed very much focus on helping people understand, explore and use the seaweed they have growing near them, with experience in developing different cultivation methods, licensing, product development and generally educating people in how to use different seaweed species. His favourite seaweeds are generally red species, particularly laver and dulse for food and sea beech for pressing. His current role sees him looking to develop offshore cultivation to use seaweed in combating climate change.